Leading The Way


Your dog walk should be the most enjoyable part of your day, but often it's the opposite.... especially if your dog pulls on the lead

Take part in our 12 week online programme and transform your walks from a total arm-ache to a relaxing and enjoyable experience

Our programme gives you access to pre-recorded training exercises for life, you can watch them as often as you need to. This learning combined with your 12 weeks of
live virtual group sessions with our training team ensures you have the skills, knowledge and support to make a real impact on your lead walks.
  • Video exercises to practise in your own time
  • 12 x weekly zoom sessions with our training team to provide support, advice and answer your questions
  • Video analysis - film your progress for review
  • Email support - contact our training team
  • Turbo Calls for urgent training support
    life time access to pre-reorded videos

If lead walks are a pain in the arm....

let's make it

our Lead The Way programme will give you the knowledge, skills and support to start transforming your painful, unenjoyable walks and ensure you to start enjoying time out with your four-legged friend!

.... the most relaxing part of the day, like you'd always imagined

A great course put together by trainers who seriously love their job. We noticed an immediate improvement and it has helped with the issues that I had experienced when walking Winnie. Simple ideas that work, even other doggie owners who we have become friends with have noticed the changes and it makes me more relaxed to enjoy my time outside with her.
Jayne & Winnie
WOW! What a difference!
When we saw the photos from the previous lovely leads course the idea of Ruby walking nicely by our side seemed completely unachievable, but with Tash and Debbie’s support she smashed it! The guided techniques were easy to follow and have changed our walks more than I even thought possible. Thank you.

Rach & Ruby
Picture the rabbits pulling the sled of Radighast the Brown in Lord of the Rings...that was my Bob from day one, once I was able to take her out on lead. She's a Sprocker Spaniel and wants to do everything at 200 miles an hour. Still a work in progress but training has made a huge difference and we can now do 'proper' walks.

Julia & Bob